胡美寶 May Bo, Wu
獲香港藝術發展局及英國利茲大學獎學金到英國修讀碩士課程,表演及文化研究碩士,並以優異成積畢業。香港演藝學院戲劇學校藝術學士(榮譽)學位課程畢業生,主修表演。在校時期曾獲尤德爵士獎學金、婦女協會國際女性獎學金及優秀學生獎。擁有豐富演出及舞台演出製作的經驗外,更積極參與及關注戲劇教育和劇場藝術的應用與發展。曾參與的創作、演出和教育工作除香港本土外,更包括澳門、台灣、韓國、英國、美國等等。胡氏曾跟隨多位劇場表演大師和不同體系學習,包括於於the Ecole de Mime Corporel Dramatique接受默劇訓練、Odin Teatre、 Phillippe Gaulier及前三藩市默劇團藝術總監Dan Chumley義大利即興喜劇訓練。 胡氏除有豐富的劇場創作與演出經驗外,近年亦關注戲劇藝術與劇場形式於社區文化及藝術治療的應用和發展。2005年到2008年於澳門演藝學院戲劇學校教授演技、青少年戲劇、默劇和形體訓練。
May Wu was awarded a full scholarship from Arts Development Council and University of Leeds, U.K. for completing her Master Degree (with merit) in Performance and Cultural Industries, Theatre as Social Intervention. During her study she has been facilitating workshops and devised projects with local university students as well as in local community. She also has obtained a Bachelor (Hons) Degree in Fine Arts, Acting, in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majored in acting. She has also been awarded various scholarships in actively involved in major productions. She is constantly creating her own stage productions and working with other professional theater companies, including artists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Korea, England, U.S.A, etc. As an actor, director, movement artist, theatre-in-education facilitator and educator. She has extensive experience not only in theatre performances, but also concerns the capability of applying different drama tools in order to achieve specific goals; such as community regeneration. From the year 2003 to 2008, she has been teaching at the Macao Conservatory, School of Drama, responsible for acting, youth theatre, mime, and movement classes. Now May is a freelance theatre practitioner.
2009年7月29日 星期三
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Hi, I want to contact Wu May Bo, please contact me, my email is ahsum912@hotmail.com.